Marx, Veblen, and the Foundations of Heterodox Economics
2 contributors - Hardback
Tae-Hee Jo is Associate Professor in the Economics and Finance Department at The State University of New York–Buffalo State, USA, and a former Editor of the Heterodox Economics Newsletter (2009–13). He has been working on heterodox microeconomic theory from institutionalist, Marxian, and Post Keynesian perspectives.
Lynne Chester is Associate Professor in the University of Sydney’s Department of Political Economy, Australia. She is recognized as a leading Australian scholar in the empirical application of Régulation theory. Her research focuses on a range of energy issues (affordability, security, markets, price formation, the environment) and the policy responses of capitalist economies through different institutional forms.
Carlo D’Ippoliti is Associate Professor of Economics at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. He is the editor of PSL Quarterly Review and of Moneta e Credito, and his research focuses on the history of economic thought, feminist economics, and European political economy.