T Christian Gasser Author & Editor

T. Christian Gasser is Professor of Biomechanics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, and Adjunct Professor at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Denmark. Professor Gasser is principal founder of VASCOPS GmbH, Graz, Austria and ARTEC Vascular Diagnosis AB, Stockholm Sweden. His scientific interest relates to vascular biomechanical problems, with particular emphasis on numerical techniques to solve clinically-relevant questions. Constitutive models developed by Professor Gasser have been implemented in many major Finite Element simulation packages, and translational research led to diagnostic software that is used at many clinical centers. He has authored almost 100 papers published in peer-reviewed premium journals, two international patents, 10+ book chapters, and gave more than 200 presentations at international conferences. With an h-index of 45 and over 12k Google scholar citations, Professor Gasser is amongst the highest-cited researchers in vascular biomechanics.  He has taught numerous courses at undergraduate and graduate levels, served as supervisor for many engineering and clinical PhD students, is frequent member of examination and grading committees, and reviewer of several science councils as well as the most relevant scientific journals in the field.