Sylvan Rigal Author

Joost Visser is Head of Research at the Software Improvement Group. Joost also holds a position as professor of Large Scale Software Systems at Radboud University Nijmegen. He has obtained his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Amsterdam and has published over 100 papers on topics such as generic programming, program transformation, green computing, software quality, and software evolution. Sylvan Rigal works as a software quality consultant at SIG since 2011 and is advising clients on managing their IT since 2008. He holds a MSc in international business from Maastricht University, The Netherlands (2006). As an active member of SIG's software security team, Sylvan trains consultants on analyzing software security risks. After obtaining an MSc degree in Software Engineering from Delft University of Technology in 2005, Rob joined SIG as a software quality consultant. In his role as a consultant he combines his thorough technical knowledge on software engineering and software technologies to advice clients how to keep their systems in shape. Next to being a consultant, Rob fulfills a leading role in SIG's internal development team. Pascal van Eck joined the Software Improvement Group (SIG) in 2013 as a general consultant on software quality. Pascal holds a PhD in Computer Science from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and has published over 80 papers in areas such as enterprise architecture, IT security, and software metrics. Pascal is chairman of the program committee of the Dutch National Conference on Architecture for The Digital World. Gijs Wijnholds joined the Software Improvement Group in 2015 as a software quality consultant in public administration. He helps clients get in control of their software projects by advising them on development processes and translating technical risks into strategic decisions. Gijs holds a BSc in AI from Utrecht University and a MSc degree in Logic from University of Amsterdam.