Syed Shahid Husain Author

Syed Shahid Husain joined the Civil Service of Pakistan in 1965 after graduating in Law and Economics from the University of Sindh. He served in various civil service jobs in all parts of Pakistan, including over a year in Tank, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, eight years in Balochistan, and in the federal government. He led two official delegations to India and one to Iran. The author may perhaps be better known for his articles published in Dawn, The News, Business Recorder, and the South Asia Journal on wide variety of subjects relating to agriculture, irrigation, resource-distribution among provinces, and politics. He wrote extensively on subjects like water distribution between provinces, Indo-Pakistan disputes under Indus Water Treaty, insane food policy pursued by the government including procurement of wheat, and on other political and economic issues. He leads a retired life in the US.