Sven Groppe Editor

Dr. Le Gruenwald is a Professor, Dr. David W. Franke Professor, and Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Presidential Professor in the School of Computer Science at The University of Oklahoma. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Southern Methodist University. She worked for National Science Foundation (NSF) as a Cluster Lead and Program Director of the Information Integration and Informatics program and a Program Director of the Cyber Trust program; for NEC America, Advanced Switching Laboratory as a Member of the Technical Staff in the Database Management Group; for Southern Methodist University as a Lecturer in the Computer Science and Engineering Department; and for WRT as a Software Engineer. Dr. Sarika Jain graduated from Jawaharlal Nehru University (India) in 2001. Her doctorate is in the field of Knowledge Representation in Artificial Intelligence which was awarded in 2011. She has served in the field of education for over 19 years and is currently working at the National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra (Institute of National Importance), India. Dr. Jain has authored / co-authored over 100 publications including books. Her current research interests include Knowledge Management and Analytics; Semantic Web; Ontological Engineering; and Intelligent Systems. Dr. Jain has supervised two doctoral scholars (5 ongoing) who are now pursuing their post doctorates, one in Spain and the other in Germany. Currently, she is guiding 15 students for their Master’s and Doctoral research work in the area of Knowledge Representation. She is serving as a reviewer for Journals of IEEE, Elsevier, and Springer. She has been involved as a program and steering committee member in many prestigious conferences in India and abroad. She has two research-funded projects: one ongoing project is funded by CRIS TEQUIP-III worth Rs 2.58 lakhs, and the other completed project is funded by DRDO, India worth Rs 40 lakhs. She has also applied for a patent in Nov 2019. Dr. Jain has held various administrative positions at department as well as at institute level in her career like HOD, Hostel Warden, Faculty Incharge of technical and cultural fests, member of Research Degree Committee, and Center Incharge Examinations. Dr. Jain has visited the United Kingdom and Singapore for presenting her research work. She has constantly been supervising DAAD interns from different German universities and many interns from India every summer. She works in collaboration with various researchers across the globe including Germany, Austria, Australia, Malaysia, the United States, Romania and many others. She has organized various challenges, conferences and workshops including NITC, GIAN by MHRD, ISIC, ICSCC, ICACCT, ICECCS, and EWAD. She is a member of IEEE and ACM and a Life Member of Computer Society of India (CSI), International Association of Engineers (IAENG), and the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT). Dr. Jain is highly interested in world-wide collaborations and seeking scholars and interns in her research group. Dr. Sven Groppe is a Lecturer and Tutor at the University of Lübeck, Germany. His publication record contains over 100 publications, including the book Data Management and Query Processing in Semantic Web Databases, published by Springer. He was a member of the DAWG W3C Working Group, which developed SPARQL. He was the project leader of the DFG project LUPOSDATE, an open-source Semantic Web database, and of two research projects in the area of FPGA acceleration of relational and Semantic Web databases. He is also leading a DFG project on GPU and APU acceleration of main-memory database indexes, and a DFG project about Semantic Internet of Things. He is also the chair of the Semantic Big Data workshop series, which is affiliated with the ACM SIGMOD conference (so far 2016 to 2020), and of the Very Large Internet of Things workshop in conjunction with the VLDB conference (so far 2017 to 2020). He is general chair of the upcoming International Semantic Intelligence Conference (ISIC) in 2021. His research interests include artificial intelligence, databases, Semantic Web, query and rule processing and optimization, Cloud Computing, acceleration via GPUs and FPGAs, peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, Internet of Things, data visualization and visual query languages.