I can't go to school!'
Suzy Rowland - Paperback
Suzy Rowland is an author, speaker, Autism & ADHD Advocate, and a poet. Suzy's son was diagnosed with Asperger's and ADHD aged nine, and, after years of unsatisfactory experiences with schools, she set up the HIS (#happyinschool) project. Suzy's belief is that parents, educators and children working together, have a unique opportunity to develop radical new systems around educating and supporting children and young people with autism/ADHD. Suzy works in partnership with schools, local authorities, charities and parent/carer groups offering training, dialogue, influence and education. Suzy's former career in front-line PR, helped her to galvanise support for the project and its aims; she regularly engages in the debate, attracting media and other interest. Suzy is particularly interested in boys of black Caribbean heritage, with special educational needs, as statistically they're the group most likely to be excluded from primary and mainstream secondary schools. Suzy is passionate about helping others address the issues she faced as a mother. Her teenaged son is fast becoming a strong autism/ADHD advocate himself. He was recently nominated for a Jack Petchey Award.