Suzanne Heft Editor

Harold Heft was the author of three books, was published widely in The Globe & Mail, National Post, Montreal Gazette, tablet. The Jewish Daily Forward; held a Ph.D. in Lierarture form the University of Western Ontatrio, worked as a senior strategist and marketing communications executive. Suzanne Heft was born in Nova Scotia to an American father and Iraqi mother, navigated a traumatic childhood that unfolded in the U.S., the Middle East, and England, studied English Literature at the University of Toronto, has worked in public relations and now works at Ryerson Unjversity. She is the mother of two teenage sons. Peter OBrien has written or edited five books, including.Introduction to Literature: British, American, Canadian ( Harper & Collins), Build a Better Book Club (Macmillan Canada). He was born in New York, holds a BA from Notre Dame University, an MA from McGill and attended the Banff School of Fine Arts. He has published numerous articles and reviews in the Globe & Mail, Toronto Star, Montreal Gazette. He now runs his own communication firm in Toronto.