Suzanne Crosta Editor

Suzanne Crosta is Professor of French at McMaster University. She teaches contemporary African, Asian and Caribbean literatures and cinemas in French with a focus on ecocriticism, childhood/life narratives, postcolonialism, ethics, migration, violence and genocide. She has lectured widely at various universities in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America and the U.S.A in these disciplines. Her articles have appeared in Callaloo, Critical Interventions: Journal of African Art History and Visual Culture, Itinéraires et Contacts de cultures,Présence Francophone, Review in Feminist Research, Tangence, Thamyris, Voix plurielles among others. She is also the author of books and edited volumes on African and Caribbean literatures written in French. Currently, she is collaborating with Sada Niang and Alexie Tcheuyap on African cinemas and documentary filmmaking practices with CRSH/SSHRC funding support.

Sada Niang is Professor of francophone literatures and cinemas in the Department of French at the University of Victoria. He has Published Cinéma et littérature en Afrique francophone (1997), Djibril Diop Mambéty un cinéaste à contre courant (2002), Nationalist African cinemas: Legacy and Transformations (2014), co-edited two special issues of Presence francophone (2001 & 2008), a collection of essays on Ousmane Sembene (2010) and a special issue of critical Interventions (2018) on African documentaries. Niang has also widely published on francophone African and Caribbean literatures.

Alexie Tcheuyap, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, is Professor of French and Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Arts and Science at the University University of Toronto. His publications include Avoir peur. Insécurité et roman et Afrique francophone (with Hervé Tchumkam, 2019), Autoritarisme, presse et violence au Cameroun, (2014) and Postnationalist African Cinemas (2011).