Suzana Yusup Author & Editor

Professor Ir. Dr Suzana Yusup, is the Head of HICoE Center for Biofuel & Biochemical Research (CBBR) and is a full Professor at the Chemical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia. Her research interest is in the area of biomass conversion to biofuels and bio-chemicals, material development, and greener processes. To date, Professor Dr Suzana Yusup has authored one book, 26 book chapters, more than 300 scientific articles in high impact journals and as conference papers, 19 patents (including 7 granted patents). Dr Nor Adilla Rashidi (AMIchemE) holds a bachelor’s in chemical engineering (Hons.) (2010), Master of Science degree (MSc) in Chemical Engineering (2014), and a Doctorate degree (PhD) in Chemical Engineering (2020) from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. Her main research interests focus on biomaterial development, wastewater treatment, and carbon capture and storage. To date, she had published 20 peer-reviewed articles including 14 articles as the first author in numerous high impact factors publications, including Energy, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of CO2 Utilization, etc. with the cumulative citation number of 458 and h-index of 11 (Source: SCOPUS). ). She is currently affiliated with several professional associations, including Malaysia Board of Technologist (Graduate Technologist), Board of Engineers Malaysia (Graduate Engineer), and Institution of Chemical Engineers (Associate Member).