Applied Learning Algorithms for Intelligent IoT
Usha Sakthivel - Hardback
Pethuru Raj is the chief architect and Vice President in the Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) division of Reliance Jio Platforms Ltd., Bangalore, India. He focuses on emerging technologies including Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), big and fast data analytics, blockchain, digital twins, cloud-native computing, edge and fog clouds, reliability engineering, microservices architecture (MSA), and event-driven architecture (EDA). He previously worked at IBM global Cloud Center of Excellence (CoE), Wipro Consulting Services (WCS), and Robert Bosch Corporate Research (CR). He has authored and edited 34 books. He is a member of ACM. He holds a PhD degree in Formal Language Theory and Finite Automata from Anna University, Chennai, India. Utku Köse is an associate professor at Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey, and a visiting researcher at University of North Dakota, USA. His research interests include artificial intelligence, machine ethics, optimization, chaos theory, distance education and e-learning, computer education and computer science, and biomedical applications. He has more than 200 scientific publications including articles, proceedings, and reports. He has authored and edited several books. He is a member of ACM, an IEEE senior member, and member of IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society, and IEEE Young Professionals. He received his PhD degree in Computer Engineering from Selcuk University, Turkey. Usha Sakthivel is currently working as a professor, Dean, and Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Raja Rajeswari College of Engineering, Bangalore, India. She has 25 years of experience and graduated from Manonmanium Sundaranar University, in Computer Science and Engineering in 1998. She obtained her master's degree in computer science and engineering and PhD degree from Sathyabama University in the area of mobile ad hoc networks in 2013. She has 70 publications in international and national conferences and 45 publications in national and international journals in the area of mobile ad hoc networks, IoT, and wireless security. Most of the publications are having impact factor cited in SCI, Google Scholar, Scopus (h index and i10index), Microsoft, and others. She received funding from AICTE under NCP scheme, MODROBS, TGS, VTU TEQIP, and SERB (DST). She received the best teacher award from Lions Club in 2010 and 2012. She received the best paper award in many conferences. She received the women researcher award from Elsevier in 2020. She developed the Centre of Excellence Lab in IoT with industry collaboration and organized many international and national conferences including ICICN'16, ICRTCET'18, ICACT 2020, ICETEMT 2022, FDPs, and Technical Talks. She is associated with ISTE, CSI, IEEE, IAENG, IDES, and IACSIT. She has reviewed papers in Springer journals, IGI global, IJCs, and CIIT journals. She acted as a TPC member in MIRA'14, IoT BDS'17, and IoTBDS'18 in Portugal. She chaired sessions in FCS'14, ICISC'13, ICCCT'15, ICCCT'17, and IoTBDS'18. She is local chapter Active SPOC for NPTEL, the college website coordinator, and NBA co-coordinator at college level. She is the program coordinator for CoE on Women Empowerment in collaboration with Honeywell Corporation and Capgemini. She has published four patents including one granted patent. She has authored two books and edited one book. Susila Nagarajan is currently working as a professor and Head of the Department of Information Technology at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India. She has 21 years of experience and graduated from Periyar Maniammai College of Technology for Women, Bharathidasan University in 2001 with a bachelor's degree in computer science. She completed her master's degree in computer science and engineering from Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology in 2005 as a 9th Rank Holder. Vijanth S. Asirvadam is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia. He was previously a system engineer in the industry. His research interests include computing techniques in signal, image and video processing, linear and nonlinear system identification, unconstraint optimization, and model validation. He is a member of IEEE and IET. He has published over 200 articles in proceedings and journals in the fields of computing and control. He holds a PhD degree on the topic of "Online and Constructive Neural Learning methods" from Queen's University Belfast, UK.