Susie Chandler Author

Phil Christie is Consultant Child Psychologist and Director of Sutherland House Children's Services, which includes a non-maintained special school for students with autism between the ages of 3-19. Elizabeth Newson was joint director of the Child Development Research Unit at Nottingham University with her husband John, until she was made Emeritus Professor on her retirement in 1994. She was awarded the OBE for services to children on the autistic spectrum in 1999. Wendy Prevezer, formerly a speech and language therapist, has worked with children on the autism spectrum as a Music Specialist at Sutherland House School since 1986, using and developing the Musical Interaction approach. Susie Chandler is a research psychologist now based at the Institute of Child Health and Guy's Hospital, London where she continues to carry out research into the identification and treatment of autism spectrum conditions, through screening and early intervention studies.