Susana Goncalves Editor & Author

Susana Gonçalves is a researcher at the R&D Unit for Education and Training (University of Lisbon) and Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic of Coimbra (Portugal). She directs the Centre for the Study and Advancement of Pedagogy in Higher Education (CINEP) and is Secretary General of the academic network CICE (Children’s identity and Citizenship in Europe). She has authored books, book chapters and articles on the subject of diversity, citizenship and educational psychology.
Markus A. Carpenter works as a tutor of English, translator and reviser of texts mainly for the Polytechnic of Coimbra. He has published articles in the U.S, Portugal and Turkey and earned a Master in Postcolonial Literature. He is presently working on a dissertation on the cinematic adaptations of author Ray Bradbury.