Homines Funera Astra
4 contributors - Paperback
Raluca Kogălniceanu is an archaeologist at the Institute of Archaeology in Bucharest, Romania, with an interest in prehistory, burial customs and spatial analysis.
Mihai Gligor is Professor at the University in Alba Iulia, Romania, focussing on Central and South-Eastern European prehistory, funerary archaeology, archaeometry and experimental archaeology.
Andrei Soficaru is a senior researcher at ‘Fr. I. Rainer’ Institute of Anthropology, Bucharest, Romania. He is PhD coordinator at the University in Alba Iulia, and his research interests centre on osteoarchaeology, paleopathology, migration and demography of ancient populations, and aDNA.
Susan Stratton is an archaeological consultant at Archaeology Wales with a PhD on Neolithic and Copper Age burial practices in south-east Europe.