Clinical Psychology I
4 contributors - Set / collection
Professor Susan Llewelyn is Professor of Clinical Psychology at Oxford University, and Senior Research Fellow, Harris Manchester College, Oxford, as well as Consultant Clinical Psychologist with Oxford Health NHS FT. For the past 15 years she has been Course Director of the Oxford Doctoral Course in Clinical Psychology. She trained as a clinical psychologist at Sheffield and Leeds University and has worked in both the NHS and University sectors in Nottingham, Sheffield, Dorset, Southampton, Edinburgh and Oxford. She has a particular interest in the psychological therapies, and her clinical work has included therapeutic work with survivors of abuse. Professor Llewelyn has also developed expertise in professional issues, leadership and teamwork, and has written, edited or co-authored fifteen books and over one hundred academic and professional papers. David Murphy is the Joint Course Director of the University of Oxford Clinical Psychology Doctoral Training Programme. He trained as a clinical psychologist at the Institute of Psychiatry in London and worked for over 20 years as a full-time clinical psychologist in acute hospital settings within the National Health Service before taking up his current position. He has worked with a range of client groups within the fields of neuropsychology and clinical health psychology. For 10 years, he managed a large psychology service across acute hospital and community rehabilitation settings in North West London. He is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College London where he has been the lead for psychology teaching for several years. David has held a number of positions with the British Psychological Society including the Chair of the Board of Examiners in Clinical Psychology and Chief Examiner for the Qualification in Clinical Neuropsychology.