Susan Buckham Editor

Susan Buckham is an Honorary Research Fellow in History and Politics at the University of Stirling. Drawing on twenty years of experience in graveyard recording, conservation, research and interpretation, Susan specialises in the interdisciplinary study of Scottish burial sites of the post-Reformation period.
Peter C. Jupp is an Honorary Fellow in the School of Divinity, Edinburgh University and former Chair of the Cremation Society of Great Britain. Co-founder of the journal Mortality and the International Conference on Death, Dying and Disposal, he has co-edited several books in death studies including Death Our Future (2008). He is the author of From Dust to Ashes: Cremation and the British Way of Death (2006) and co-author of Cremation in Modern Scotland (2016).
Julie Rugg is Senior Research Fellow at the University of York. Her principal research interest is in the meanings attached to the places of interment. She is the author of Churchyard and Cemetery: Tradition and Modernity in Rural North Yorkshire (2013), which charts the implementation of the Burial Acts in England.