Copper Loaded Polysaccharides- Cellulose Fibers with Biocidal Actions 3 authors - Paperback £40.67 Find out more
polysaccharides chargés de cuivre - fibres de cellulose à action biocide Sunil Bajpai - Paperback £23.43 Find out more
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Synthesis, Characterization and moisture sorption behavior of cds 2 authors - Paperback £33.12 Find out more
polisacharydy obciążone miedzią - wlókna celulozowe o dzialaniu biobójczym Sunil Bajpai - Paperback £23.43 Find out more
polisaccaridi caricati di rame - fibre di cellulosa con azione biocida Sunil Bajpai - Paperback £23.43 Find out more
kupferbeladene Polysaccharide - Cellulosefasern mit biozider Wirkung Sunil Bajpai - Paperback £23.43 Find out more