Sue Chapman Editor & Author

Holly Burwell is a teacher, math specialist, learning facilitator, and instructional coach with students and educators in grades Pre-K through 12. She consults through her business Inspired Mathematics supporting math educators across the country and regularly presents professional learning sessions at conferences including NCTM, NCSM, and the Model Schools Conferences. Holly worked as a math specialist in Great Falls Public Schools to lead and grow math achievement for 10,000+ students. She blogs about math experiences in the classroom on her website at Holly is committed to bringing joy to teaching and learning mathematics in schools. You can connect with Holly at [email protected] and @holly_burwell. Sue Chapman has served students and other math learners for over 40 years in the roles of teacher, mathematics coach, campus administrator, district curriculum coordinator, and teacher educator. She currently teaches mathematics methods courses to preservice teachers at the University of Houston Clear Lake and provides virtual professional learning and coaching support to teachers and leaders across the country. Sue is the co-author of the book MathVentures: 33 Teacher-Coach Investigations to Grow Students as Mathematicians (Math Solutions, 2021) and has written numerous blog posts and articles about coaching, teacher leadership, instructional improvement, and math education. Sue is passionate about building capacity and collective efficacy in educators, teams, schools, and districts. You can connect with Sue at [email protected] and @SueChapmanLearn.