The Political Economy of Corruption
3 contributors - Hardback
Chandan Jha:
Chandan Kumar Jha is an Associate Professor of Finance at the Madden School of Business, Le Moyne College. He holds Ph.D. and M.S. in Economics from Louisiana State University. Some of the topics he has worked on or is currently working on include the evolution of gender norms, corruption, finance and economic development, crime, entrepreneurship, international trade, and socioeconomic inequality such as race and gender.
Ajit Mishra:
Ajit Mishra is a development economist based in Bath, UK. After graduating from the Delhi School of Economics in 1993, he has been engaged in research and lecturing at various universities including the University of Bath, University of Dundee, Delhi School of Economics, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, and Ashoka University. He has also served as the Director of the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. His key research areas include the study of corruption and governance; informal sector; inequality; vulnerability and poverty.
Sudipta Sarangi:
Sudipta Sarangi is a Professor and the Department Head of Economics at Virginia Tech. Prior to joining Virginia Tech, he has been a Distinguished Professor of Business Administration at Louisiana State University and a Program Director at the National Science Foundation. His research interests range from network theory, experimental and behavioral economics to development economics. He is a research associate of GATE, University of Lyon-St. Etienne and the Lima School of Economics.