The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Volume III
Martin Luther King, Jr - Hardback
Clayborne Carson is Director and Senior Editor of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers Project and Professor of History at Stanford University. He is author of In Struggle: SNCC and the Black Awakening of the 1960s, which won the 1982 Frederick Jackson Turner Award. Susan A. Carson, Managing Editor, joined the Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers Project in 1987 as librarian and archivist. Peter Holloran is a Contributing Editor with the Papers Project. Dana L. Powell earned her B.A. in History from Howard University and is currently working as a community organizer in Washington, D.C. Stewart Burns, a Stanford historian and resident fellow, is author of Social Movements of the 1960s and coauthor of A People's Charter: The Pursuit of Rights in America.