The Digital Economy and Competition Law in Asia
Steven Van Uytsel - Hardback
Steven Van Uytselis Associate Professor of Competition Law at the Faculty of Law, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. His specialization in competition law relates to enforcement issues and the position of competition law in countries in transition. More recently, he is focusing on algorithmic pricing strategies and competition law, for which he is the recepient of the Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (C), No. (April 2018-March 2021), Artificial Intelligence, Price Setting Strategies and Antitrust Law: Towards a Regulatory Framework. He has also developed in interest in the regulation of Artificial Intelligence for autonomous vehicles, for which he has been granted a Tsubasa research grant from Kyushu University. He is editor of the Research Handbook on Asian Competition Law (Shuya Hayashi and John. O. Haley (co-editors), edward Elgar 2020). He is further author of, amongst others, Artificial Intelligence and Collusion: A Literature Overview (in Robotics, AI, and the Future of Law (Fenwick, Corrales and Forgó (eds.), Springer, 2019) and Digital Markets and the Response of the Japan Fair Trade Commission: The DeNA Co. Case, in Competition Law for the Digital Economy (Lundqvist ed., Edward Elgar, 2020).