Steven R Corman Editor

The Editors: Steven R. Corman is Professor at Arizona State University where he directs the Consortium for Strategic Communication in the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication. A recognized expert on complex organizations, social networks, and new media, since 2001 he has served as an invited participant and featured speaker at numerous national and international symposia on counterterrorism and public diplomacy. He serves as a consultant to the Department of Defense and the Department State on issues of strategic communication and was a member of the Scientist Panel for the Strategic Operations Working Group at U.S. Special Operations Command.
Angela Trethewey is Associate Professor and Associate Director in the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University, and is a member of the Consortium for Strategic Communication. Her scholarship centers on issues of ideology and power as they impact strategic communication processes. She is currently working on a Department of Defense sponsored project on self-organizing systems and armies of the future. She is co-author of the best-selling book Organizational Communication: Balancing Creativity and Constraint, 5th ed.
H. L. (Bud) Goodall, Jr. is Professor and Director of the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University. He is the author and co-author of twenty books and over one hundred articles, chapters, and presentations. He is the recipient of the «Best Book of 2007» award from the National Communication Association. He serves as a U.S. Department of State International Speaker on countering ideological support for terrorism and improving public diplomacy and serves as a consultant on strategic communication to the Department of State and Department of Defense groups.