Steven Knowlton Author

Steven Knowlton is Professor of Journalism at Dublin City University. He has 18 years of professional newspaper experience, and continues to freelance for the New York Times and other major newspapers. He is the author/editor of six books, including the first edition of Moral Reasoning for Journalists, The Journalist's Moral Compass (with Patrick R. Parsons) and most recently (with Karen L. Freeman), Fair and Balanced: A History of Journalistic Objectivity.

Bill Reader is Assistant Professor in the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University, where he teaches journalism reporting, writing, editing, and ethics. He has a decade of professional newspaper experience, most recently as opinion page editor of the Centre Daily Times in State College, Pennsylvania. His research of journalism ethics issues has been published in Newspaper Research Journal and Journal of Mass Media Ethics, and he contributes to trade publications including Quill, The Masthead, and Grassroots Editor.