Steven Jay Lynn Editor & Author

Etzel Cardena, PhD, holds the endowned Thorsen Professorship in Psychology at Lund University, Sweden, where he directs the Center for Research on Consciousness and Anomalous Psychology. He has published more than 250 books, articles, and chapters on anomalous experiences, hypnosis, dissociation, and acute reactions to trauma, and in 2011 he coeditied the two-volume Altering Consciousness: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. He was elected president of three different professional organizations and Fellow of APA and the Association for Psychological Science, among others. Steven Jay Lynn, PhD, is Distinguished Professor of Psychology and the director of the Psychological Clinic at the State University of New York at Binghamton. He is a licensed psychologist and a diplomate in both clinical and forensic psychology. Dr. Lynn is a past president of APA Division 30 (Psychological Hypnosis), the founding editor of Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, and serves on 11 editorial boards, including the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. He has written or edited 20 books and published more than 290 book chapters and articles. Stanley Krippner, PhD, is a professor of psychology at Saybrook University. He was the 2002 recipient of APA's Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Development of International Psychology. He is a fellow of four APA divisions and past president of two. He has received the Ashley Montagu Peace Award and lifetime achievement awards from the International Association for the Study of Dreams and the Parapsychological Association.