Of Purest Blue
Francisco Brines - Paperback
Steven Cranfield is Senior Lecturer in Pedagogic Research in Higher Education at the University of Westminster. He is the author of papers, articles, chapters and books on health, management and leadership, education and the creative arts. At Westminster he is course leader of the MA in Higher Education and he jointly co-ordinates the Higher Education And Theory (HEAT) network and the Translaborate research group, a transdisciplinary forum exploring the confluence of ideas of translation and collaboration. His books include Training matters (Health Education Authority, 1994), Developing change management skills (with Valerie Iles, 2004) for the UK's National Health Service, and Of purest blue (with Claudio Tedesco, Get A Grip, 2010), an edited co-translation into English of the eminent Spanish poet Francisco Brines. He is a contributing author to Enhancing teaching practice in higher education (edited by Helen Pokorny and Digby Warren, Sage, 2016). Having studied English as an undergraduate with F. R. Leavis, he worked for many years as a healthcare professional, going on to teach, consult and research with a number of universities and national and intergovernmental bodies. During the 1990s he returned to Leavis as the subject of his doctoral research. He is Vice-Chair of the Leavis Society.