God and John Point the Way
Steve Eggleton - Paperback
Steve Eggleton was born in Kent, and the grew up in Suffolk and then Hampshire. Steve’s first books for children were presented in the form of illuminated manuscripts. More recently, he has been writing for older children, re-telling the inspirational stories of God’s heroes of faith. He is the author of God and Noah Save the World, God and John Point the Way, and Brother Egbert's Christmas. He studied art and design at Portsmouth, after which, he moved to Norfolk with his wife Gill and their young family. There he has worked as an artist, sculptor and teacher, and has renovated the Tudor farm-house, which is their home. He keeps a small herd of Dexter cattle, and a few chickens. Steve has a passion to share his Christian faith with children and young people. For many years, he and his wife have run a weekly club to share the wonderful stories of the Bible with local children. Over the past ten years or so, Steve and his wife Gill have been heading up the Via Beata project to establish a trail of Christian art-works across the U.K. from East to West. (See www.viabeata.co.uk)