Stephen Gray - Hardback
Stephen Gray was educated at UCT, Cambridge University and at the Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa. He has had many of his literary works published, most notably; Selected Poems, David Philip, 1994, Gabriel's Exhibition, Mayibuye Books and Beatrice Hastings: A Litarary Life, Penguin. From the English Academy of Southern Africa he has won two Pringle Awards for criticism and their gold medal for his promotion of English South African projects to do with literature. He has had fellowships from the Hawthornden Foundation near Edinburgh, the Rockefeller Foundation at their Bellagio Study and Conference Centre at Lake Como in Italy, and a Mellon Foundation grant at the University of Texas at Austin, followed by a residency with the Eastern Frontier Society in Maine. Stephen contributes to the Mail & Guardian culture pages and has twice won a literary award as journalist of the year.