Stephanie Huffman Author & Editor

Jeff Whittingham, Ph.D is a graduate of Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He is currently an associate professor at the University of Central Arkansas in the Department of Teaching and Learning. Prior to working at the university level Dr. Whittingham taught middle school for thirteen years. Dr. Whittingham’s research interests include literacy, technology, and adolescent literature. He has published articles in Tech Trends, Educational Technology, Middle School Journal, School Library Research, Social Studies and the Young Learner, Journal of Adult Education, and Childhood Education.

Stephanie Huffman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Leadership Studies at the University of Central Arkansas. She earned her EdD in Educational Leadership from Arkansas State University. She also holds an MS in Library Media and Information Technologies and a BSE in Vocational Business Education. She currently serves as programme coordinator for two graduate programmes (MS in Library Media and Information Technologies and MS in Instructional Technology) and as Director of Distance Learning for the College of Education. Her research interests include distance learning, technology planning and leadership, literacy, technology integration. She is an active member in the American Association of School Librarians, Association for Educational Computing and Technology, and the International Reading Association. Last year she was named Technology Leader of the Year by the Arkansas Association of Instructional Media.

Wendy Rickman is an Assistant Professor at the University of Central Arkansas. She teaches a variety of courses in both the Library Media and Information Technologies Graduate programme and the Instructional Technology Graduate programme. Rickman has a Master’s of Science in Library Media and Information Technologies from the University of Central Arkansas and earned her doctorate in Educational Leadership from Arkansas State University. With over 6 years of experience in K-12 education, Rickman has an incurable interest in technology, instructional integration, and censorship issues.