Stephanie Downes Editor

Stephanie Downes is an honorary fellow at the University of Melbourne. She has published on late medieval literary and textual cultures and their modern reception, and on various social and cultural aspects of emotions history, including Emotions and War: Medieval to Romantic Literature (Palgrave, 2015) with Andrew Lynch and Katrina O’Loughlin, and, with Sally Holloway and Sarah Randles, Feeling Things: Emotions and Objects through History (OUP, 2018).

Andrew Lynch is Professor in English and Cultural Studies at The University of Western Australia, and Director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions. He writes mainly on medieval and modern medievalist literature. He is co-editor of the journal Emotions: History, Culture, Society (Brill) and the forthcoming Bloomsbury Cultural History of Emotions.

Katrina O’Loughlin holds an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA) based at the University of Western Australia. She has published on various aspects of Enlightenment and Romantic literature including Women, Writing and Travel in the Eighteenth Century (Cambridge University Press, 2018) and, with colleagues, two volumes on different aspects of the history of emotions.