Stephanie Boyer Author

In the eyes of Stéphanie Boyer, there are stories hidden all around us, even in the tiniest moments. Her creativity feeds off of poetry, as well as the humor found in everyday life. A versatile author, she writes as much for little ones, as she does for school-age children or teenagers. When she is not busy inventing stories, Stéphanie works as pedagogical advisor specialized in literacy, and as a consultant to various publishers and cultural organizations. Her main goal is for her work to stimulate children’s intelligence, sensitivity and imagination.  

Caroline Hamel is an illustrator and graphic designer based in Montreal. In 2005, she won the Québec/Wallonie-Bruxelles Award with her picture book Maman s'est perdue (Les 400 coups). She was also the illustrator behind La légende de Louis Cyr(Auzou), a biography which was rewarded in 2018 by the young jury of Communication Jeunesse. Her bibliography now comprises more than twenty books.