Stella Tryfonos

Dr Stella Tryfonos, BA, Med, MPhil in Education, first came to the UK in 2004, when she started her studies and work at the same time. She completed her doctoral studies at the University of Birmingham, and has published articles and presented her work at several conferences. She is now a Post-doctoral Researcher and is working with pupils with Social, Emotional and Behaviour Difficulties. She worked as a teacher in Cyprus for five years, before moving to the UK where she continued to work for the Department of Education (CEM) of Cyprus High Commission in the UK (part of the Cypriot Ministry of Education), as a headteacher for a Greek Supplementary School in Birmingham. For the past ten years, her interest in the education of children, at primary age, who present SEBD in her native country of Cyprus, as well as her growing concern over practices, has been the inspiring force for her continuing study and research.