Ambulatory Phlebectomy
3 contributors - Hardback
Giuseppe Micieli is currently the Director of the Department of Emergency Neurology of the IRCCS C. Mondino Foundation in Pavia. A co-founder and President of the Italian Associazione Neurologia Emergenza Urgenza (Association of Emergency-Urgency Neurology, ANEU) (2011), he edited the previous Italian versions (2014, 2017, 2019) of EmergencyNeurology. His main clinical and research interests include headaches, dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system, cerebrovascular diseases, and emergency neurology, and he has authored several publications, and developed and implemented clinical management models in these areas.
Anna Cavallini is currently the Director of the Cerebrovascular Unit of the IRCCS C. Mondino Foundation in Pavia. She co-founded the Italian Associazione Neurologia Emergenza Urgenza (Association of Emergency-Urgency Neurology, ANEU, and was a member of its board from 2015 to 2018, and has been its secretary since 2018. She edited the two last Italian versions (2017, 2019) of Emergency Neurology. Her main clinical and research interests include cerebrovascular diseases and emergency neurology. She has collaborated on numerous scientific projects, in particular concerning clinical and organizational models for the management of acute stroke patients. She is the author of numerous papers.
Stefano Ricci is the former the Head of the Neurological Unit, USLO Umbria 1, where he opened 2 Stroke Units in the hospitals Città di Castello and Branca. He participated in numerous national and international trials, serving as the national coordinator for several them (IST 3, INETRACT 2, ENCHANTED, CLOTS 1 and 2). He is an editor for the Cochrane Stroke Group, and a referee for several journals including Stroke and JNNP.
Domenico Consoli is the former Head of the Neurological Unit, Azzolino Hospital, Vibo Valentia. His main fields of research were cerebrovascular disease and emergency neurology, and he is author of numerous papers on these topics. Vice President of the Italian ANEU, he created and is President of the Hipponion Prize, which is awarded for the best studies conducted by young Italian researchers in the field of cerebrovascular diseases.