Stefania Stellacci Editor

Stefania Stellacci is an Integrated Researcher at ISTAR (Information Sciences, Technologies and Architecture Research Center) at Iscte (University Institute of Lisbon) and Invited Professor (2021–2023) at Iscte. She is an architect with a MSc in Architecture (University of Ferrara, 2006), holds a postgraduate degree in Built Conservation (Roma3 University, 2007) and a PhD in Architecture (Iscte, 2018). Her research spans across critical heritage studies, multiple-criteria decision analysis, sustainable heritage management, inclusive design, and digital transformation.

Danilo Giglitto is an Associate Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. He has several years of experience in researching at the intersection of cultural heritage, digital technologies, and social innovation, and has collaborated in several international projects exploring these themes. He has previously co-edited a book titled Digital Approaches to Inclusion and Participation in Cultural Heritage: Insights from Research and Practice in Europe (Routledge, 2023). He has published in reputable journals such as the International Journal of Heritage Studies and Museum & Society.

Chiara Piccoli is a Research Fellow and Data Scientist at the 4D Research Lab, and an affiliated researcher at the University of Amsterdam’s Data Science Centre. Her research primarily focuses on urban and domestic contexts and on the use of 3D modelling and GIS mapping for historical data visualisation, analysis, and communication. Chiara holds a PhD in Archaeology (Leiden University, 2018), an MA degree in Archaeology (University of Siena, 2008) and an MA degree in Book and Digital Media Studies (Leiden University, 2010).