Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Research Track
5 contributors - Paperback
Dr. Stefan Krämer is Energy Manager at the petrochemical site of INEOS in Köln, Germany. He joined INEOS in 2004 as an Advanced Control Engineer, later managed over a group of APC and DCS Engineers and in his current role is head of a team for energy management and energy optimization. Operating the site wide energy management system, making sure that the power generation and distribution is operated in a commercially optimal way, and coordinating energy and resource efficiency projects is part of his responsibilities. In two EU-funded research projects, the EU FP 7 project MORE and currently the EU Horizon 2020 SPIRE project CoPro, both dealing with resource efficiency, he acts as Industrial Application Coordinator. Stefan Krämer also co-leads the topic "Energy Efficiency" in the pan-INEOS "Carbon and Energy Network".
He is the former chairman of the NAMUR working group on Process Dynamics and Operations and currently the chairman of the NAMUR working group on Energy Efficiency and member of a sister working group in VIK.
Stefan Krämer received his PhD at Technische Universität Dortmund (Germany), where he still teaches Batch Process Operation. He managed to build a reputation in the area of process control and energy efficiency and keeps publishing practical and scientific contributions in the areas of process modelling, process control, energy management and energy and resource efficiency.
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Engell has been Professor and Chair of Process Dynamics and Operations in the Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering at Technische Universität Dortmund (Germany) since 1990.
Professor Engell is an internationally renowned scientist in the field of process control and process operations and has published more than 400 scientific papers. He has been involved in several cooperative projects with industry, among others the EU FP 7 projects DYMASOS and MORE, and currently coordinates the EU Horizon 2020 SPIRE project CoPro - Improved energy and resource efficiency by better coordination of production in the process industries.
Professor Engell is a recipient of a European Research Council Advanced Investigator Grant and Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control. He received best paper awards from Journal of Process Control in 2007 and Computers and Chemical Engineering in 2016. He also edited the book "Logistics of Chemical Production Processes" published by Wiley-VCH.