Stavros Syngellakis Editor

Dr. Stavros Syngellakis is Adjunct Professor of Materials and Structures at the Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst, Southampton, UK. He holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece and a PhD from Princeton University, USA. He is also a senior lecturer in the School of Engineering Sciences and a member of the Computational Engineering and Design research group at the University of Southampton.

Professor Carlos A. Brebbia is the Director of the Wessex Institute in the UK, and is renowned worldwide as the originator of the Boundary Element Method. He has written many scientific papers, is editor of many volumes and is the author or co-author of fourteen books. His current interests are in the field of strategic planning and research management. He is the founder of several International Journals and responsible for the publishing program of the Institute. He has helped the Institute to develop academic links with first class institutions around the world. Carlos is also a member of the International Committee for the awards of the Prigogine Medal and the George Green Medal.