Transforming Conflict and Building Peace
3 contributors - Hardback
Stacey L. Connaughton is Associate Professor, former Associate Head of School, and former Director of Graduate Studies in the Brian Lamb School of Communication at Purdue University. Her research examines leadership and identification in geographically distributed contexts, particularly as these issues relate to virtual teams/organizations, political parties, and peacebuilding. She has written for journals such as Small Group Research, Journal of Communication, and Management Communication Quarterly, among others. She is the author of Inviting Latino Voters: Party Messages and Latino Party Identification. Jessica Berns has been involved with the Purdue Peace Project (PPP) since its founding in 2011. As a consultant, she serves as a sounding board on emerging projects, on current locally driven projects, and on PPP goal-setting and execution. With almost two decades of international experience in peacebuilding and governance, she helps to connect PPP to existing local, regional, and international organizations working for peace.