Commercial and Military Uses of Outer Space
2 contributors - Hardback
Dr. Melissa de Zwart is Professor and Dean of Law at The University of Adelaide. She has a keen interest in the intersection between law and technology. Prior to joining academia, she was the Manager, Legal Services, CSIRO, where she advised on protection and commercialisation of technology. Her areas of research focus primarily on digital technology, as it interacts with culture, human behaviour and new areas of innovation. She has published widely on copyright, social media, surveillance, popular culture, the internet and outer space. She is a Board Member of the Space Industry Association of Australia, a member of the International Institute of Space Law, Co-Editor of the Woomera Manual on the International Law Applicable to Military Space Operations and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law. In 2015 she was the Team Leader of the AdelaideX Cyberwar, Surveillance and Security MOOC which has attracted over 40,000 students globally.
Dr. Stacey Henderson is Lecturer of Law at The University of Adelaide. Her research focuses on the protective capacity of law, including international law generally, responsibility of States and governance of outer space and space technology. Dr. Henderson is a participant in the Woomera Manual project ,which aims to develop a Manual that objectively articulates and clarifies the existing international law applicable to military space operations.