Internet of Energy Handbook
3 contributors - Hardback
Pawan Kumar is working as a Professor (Assistant) with Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, Punjab India in the department of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering. He has received his B. Tech from Kurukshetra University, M. Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and completed his PhD from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi in the years 2001, 2010 and 2016, respectively. He is a Certified Energy Manager cum Auditor (Bureau of Energy Efficiency). He had developed an independent research centre while being worked as Coordinator of Energy Elite Club. He is actively working as Principal Investigator for the university funded project on “Power and renewable energy management through strategic auditing and benchmarking”. Dr. Kumar has also been served as a reviewer for reputed journals and conferences Dr. Kumar is the editor of a book “Handbook of Research on Power and Energy System Optimization” with, IGI Global, USA. He has delivered expert lectures on Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities in various institutions. His area of current interest includes: Energy efficiency in electrical utilities, optimization in power system’s operation and planning, distributed generation, load management and energy auditing, computational intelligence, Innovative technologies for micro-grid and smart-grid systems. Srete Nikolovski is a full professor, Head of Chair of Power networks and substations, Responsible for development of the faculty and for research and teaching at Power Engineering Department. Prof. Nikolovski received his Ph.D. in Power system from Faculty of electrical engineering and computing Zagreb. His research fields of activities include active involvements in power and energy systems. Prof. Nikolovski teaches courses like Electrical networks, Power system protection, Power system reliability, Transmission and distribution of electrical energy. Protection coordination of active distribution networks. Prof. Nikolovski has delivered 67 technical projects, studies for HEP-Croatian National grid company, and other industry companies. He is the leader on more than 200 graduated works and supervisor on 5 M.Sc degree thesis and 6 PhD thesis. In addition, Dr. Srete has published more them hundred papers, several books, research works in scientific journals and national and international conferences. His research fields of activities include Power System Analysis including Power flow, Short circuit, and Harmonic analysis. His researches filed of activities also include Power system protection and Integration of RES and Reliability analysis of transmission and distribution systems. Z.Y. (Joe) Dong is a Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. He was the Head of School of Electrical and Information Engineering in the University of Sydney, and a contractor with Ausgrid and EPRI, USA. He is now a member of the ARC College of Experts. Prior to joining the University of New South Wales in 2017, he was Ausgrid Chair and Director of Ausgrid Centre of Excellence for Intelligent Electricity Networks (CIEN) at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Professor Dong's research interest includes power system planning and stability, smart grid/micro-grid, load modeling, renewable energy grid connection, electricity market, data mining, big data analytics, artificial intelligence and computational methods. He has served editor for a number of international top journals such as IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE PES Letters, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, IET Renewable Power Generation, and Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy. He has published over 300 journal papers (mostly IEEE transactions and IET journals) and received over $16 million in research and industrial grants. Professor Dong has supervised or co-supervised over 50 PhD students, many who now work in industry and research/academia in Australia, Europe, Asia and America.