The Routledge Handbook of European Criminology
5 contributors - Hardback
With a Ph.D. in political science from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques and a B.A. and M.A. in American Studies from the University of Paris-Sorbonne, Sophie Body-Gendrot is a Professor of Political Science and of American studies at the Sorbonne, Paris. She founded the Center for Urban Studies (CEUMA). She is a researcher at the Centre de recherche sociologique sur le droit et les institutions pénales (CNRS-CESDIP-Dept of Justice) and an expert for the program Urban Age at the London School of Economics on safety and public space. She is also a member of the French Civilian Police Review Commission. She has wrote or co-edited more than fifteen books and over a hundred articles. The most recent works related to urban violence and public policies are La peur détruira-t-elle la ville? (Will Fear Destroy the City?);Violence in Europe (coedited with P. Spierenburg); Sortir des banlieues: Pour en finir avec la tyrannie des territories (Getting Out of Inner-cities: Putting an End to Territorial Tyranny); Police et discriminations raciales: Le tabou français; La société américaine après le 11 septembre?; Villes: La fin de la violence?; The Social Control of Cities; Villes et violence; and a chapter in The Endless City called "Confronting Fear."