Sonia Mazey Editor

John Loughlin is Professor of European Politics at the University of Wales College of Cardiff. He is joint editor of Regional Politics and Policy: An International Journal. His principal research interests are comparative regional government, regionalism and federalism, and administrative reform. Recently he edited Southern Europe Studies Guide (London:Bowkcr Saur, 1993) and co-edited La Europa de las Regiones: Una Perspectiva Interguhernarnenral (University of Granada, 1994). Sonia Mazey is Lecturer in Politics at Cambridge University and Fellow ofChurchill Collcge, Cambridge. Her research focuses upon the politics,administration and policy-making processes of France and the EuropeanUnion. Recently she Co-edited (with J. Richardson) Lobbying in theEuropean Community (Oxford University Press, 1993) and (with CarolynRhodes) The State of the European Union, vol. 3, (Boulder: LynneReinner, 1995).