Solveig Eggerz Author

A native of Iceland, Solveig Eggerz spent her early childhood there, but then her family also lived in Germany, England and the U.S. She has a Ph.D. in medieval English, German, and Scandinavian comparative literature from Catholic University. An accomplished writer, she has worked as a journalist and as a professor of writing and research, and she currently teaches creative writing in the D.C. area. Solveig has a family history of writing and storytelling: "I've carried the stories my forefathers told in my heart all my life. My great-great grandfather, Fridrik Eggerz, a farmer and a protestant minister, wrote his autobiography when he was in his eighties, a book that documented 19th century Icelandic regional history; my grandfather, Sigurdur Eggerz, twice prime minister, wrote plays and essays. My father, Petur Eggerz, a foreign service officer, was a best-selling author in Iceland and wrote fiction and nonfiction until the day he died at age 80."