Psychology of Music
3 authors - Paperback
Dr. Siu-Lan Tan is A.B Stone Professor of Psychology at Kalamazoo College in Michigan, USA. She completed degrees in Music at Pacific Union College, graduate studies at Oxford University, and a PhD in Psychology at Georgetown University. Her research focuses on musical form, music notation, and film music, and she plays piano. She is primary editor of The Psychology of Music in Multimedia, and appears in Score: A Film Music Documentary.
Peter Pfordresher is Professor of Psychology at SUNY Buffalo in New York State, USA. He completed his PhD in Psychology at the Ohio State University. His research on the relationship between perception and action in music has been published in psychology, music cognition, and music education journals, and has received support from the National Science Foundation. He sings and plays piano, guitar, and the trumpet.
Rom Harré is Emeritus Fellow of Linacre College, Oxford University, UK. He was Distinguished Research Professor of Psychology at Georgetown University, and Director of the Centre for the Philosophy of the Natural and Social Sciences at the London School of Economics.