Smart Learning Ecosystems as Engines of the Green and Digital Transition
3 contributors - Hardback
Mihai Dascalu is a professor at the University Politehnica of Bucharest with a strong background in Computer Science applied to Education. He has extensive experience in national and international research projects with more than 300 published papers, including 30 articles at top-tier conferences, 100+ papers indexed by ISI at renowned international conferences, and 10+ Q1 journal papers. Complementary to his competencies in NLP, technology-enhanced learning, and discourse analysis, Mihai holds a multitude of professional certifications and extensive experience on strategic projects on non-refundable funds. Moreover, Mihai obtained a Senior Fulbright scholarship in 2015, has become a Fulbright ambassador since 2018, and holds a US patent. Mihai is also a corresponding member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists.
Óscar Mealha is a full professor at the Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal. He develops his research at DigiMedia Research Centre/UA, in the area of "Information and Communication in Digital Platforms" in the context of "Knowledge Media and Connected Communities" with several projects, masters and doctoral supervisions, and publications on interaction design and analysis techniques and methods, namely for UX design and evaluation, usability evaluation, and visualization of interaction/infocommunication activity. He is involved in infocommunication mediation projects such as "Unified Communication & Collaboration" with IT companies, "Visualization of Open Data Dashboards for Citizen Engagement and Learning" in municipalities and smart territories, and "Knowledge Interface School-Society (KISS)" with school clusters within the scientific network ASLERD. He is currently the director of 2 doctoral programs: one on New Media and the other on Information and Communication in Digital Platforms, a joint program of the University of Aveiro and University of Porto.