Siobhán Wills Author

Rosa Freedman is Professor of Law, Conflict and Global Development at the University of Reading. She has published widely on the UN and human rights, and serves on the UN Secretary-General's Civil Society Advisory Board for the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse and as a Specialist Adviser to the UK Government. Nicolas Lemay-Hébert is a Senior Lecturer and Director of Research at the Department of International Relations, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, Australian National University. Siobhán Wills is Professor of Law at the Transitional Justice Institute in the Law School of Ulster University. She has led two Arts and Humanities Research Council projects and held a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship on peacekeepers' legal obligations and the impact of peacekeeping on marginalised communities. She co-directed the films It Stays With You: Use of Force by UN Peacekeepers in Haiti and Right Now I Want to Scream: Police and Army Killings in Rio.