Siobhan B Somerville Author & Editor

Siobhan B. Somerville is Associate Professor of English at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she chairs the Department of Gender and Women's Studies. She is author of Queering the Color Line: Race and the Invention of Homosexuality in American Culture (Duke UP) and co-editor of several special issues, including “Queering the Middle:  Race, Region, and Sexual Diasporas,” co-edited with Martin Manalansan, Chantal Nadeau, and Richard T. Rodríguez for GLQ.  Her research has also appeared in journals such as American Literature, American Quarterly, Criticism, and the Journal of the History of Sexuality.  She is a past recipient of the Passing the Torch Award from the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, City University of New York; and the Wise-Susman Prize from the American Studies Association.