Simone Kahlow Author

Simone Kahlow studied archaeology at Freie Universität and Humboldt-Universität in Berlin. At an early stage she specialized in medical archaeology and burial archaeology in both the Middle Ages and Post-Medieval Period, and has been dealing with these topics for nearly 20 years. Her PhD-Thesis, supported by the German Research Foundation and defended in April 2014, aimed at gaining a better understanding of the development of care institutions based on building constructions, small finds, as well as human and animal bones. As post-doctoral researcher, she worked at the German Maritime Museum in Bremerhaven, Institute of the Leibniz Association, and took the great opportunity to investigate different groups of objects such as medicine chests as well as exotic animals and Asian finds as souvenirs or gifts. Those topics lead to a workshop about cultural exchanges in the Early Modern Period, which is the groundwork for the book Transfer between sea and land. Simone Kahlow has published several articles on aspects of medical archaeology, medical history and burial practices. She has been repeatedly engaged as editor of scientific manuscripts and exhibition texts and is currently dealing with third-party fund applications for several projects.