Simone Buso Author

Simone Buso graduated with a degree in electronic engineering from the University of Padova in 1992. He received his Ph.D. degree in industrial electronics from the same university in 1997. Since 1993, he has been with the power electronics research group of the University of Padova. He is currently a member of the staff of the Department of Information Engineering (DEI) of the University of Padova, where he holds the position of Associate Professor of electronics. His main research interests are in the industrial and power electronics fields and are specifically related to converter topologies, digital control control of power converters, solid-state lighting, and renewable energy sources. Simone Buso is a member of the IEEE. Paolo Mattavelli received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Padova, Padova, Italy, in 1995. From 1995-2001, he was a Researcher at the University of Padova. From 2001-2005, he was an Associate Professor the University of Udine, where he led the Power Electronics Laboratory. In 2005, he joined the University of Padova, in Vicenza, with the same duties. From 2010-2012, he was a Professor and Member of the Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES) at Virginia Tech. He is currently a Professor at the University of Padova. His major research interest includes analysis, modeling and analog and digital control of power converters, grid-connected converters for renewable energy systems and micro-grids, and high-temperature and high-power density power electronics. In these research fields, he has been leading several industrial and government projects. Paolo Mattavelli is a Fellow of the IEEE.