Sparse Polynomial Approximation of High-Dimensional Functions
3 authors - Paperback
Ben Adcock is Professor of Mathematics at Simon Fraser University. He has published a book, 15 conference proceedings, two book chapters, and more than 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, and his work has been featured on the cover of SIAM News. His research interests include numerical analysis, mathematics of data science, approximation theory, and computational harmonic analysis.
Simone Brugiapaglia is Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Concordia University. He has published five conference proceedings, two book chapters, and 11 peer-reviewed journal articles in several different publications. His research interests include mathematics of data science, computational mathematics, and numerical analysis.
Clayton G. Webster is Distinguished Scientist in the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences at the University of Texas and Distinguished Research Fellow at Lirio AI Research. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of Numerical Methods for PDEs and on several national and international conference organizing committees, as well as numerous editorial boards. His research interests include approximation theory, numerical analysis, and approximation of partial differential equations, probability theory, mathematics of data science, and computational harmonic analysis.