The Law of International Responsibility
Dr Kate Parlett - Hardback
James Crawford SC, FBA, is Director of the Lauterpacht Centre, University of Cambridge, Whewell Professor of International Law and a Fellow of Jesus College. He was a Member of the United Nations International Law Commission from 1992-2001 and Special Rapporteur on State Responsibility (1997-2001). In addition to scholarly work on statehood, self-determination, collective rights and international responsibility, he has appeared frequently before the International Court of Justice including in the Advisory Opinions on Nuclear Weapons (1996) and the Israeli Wall/Barrier (2004). He has also appeared before other international tribunals, and is actively engaged as an international arbitrator. Alain Pellet teaches international law at the University of Paris X-Nanterre and was the Director of the Centre de Droit International (CEDIN) from 1991 to 2001. He has received many international decorations and was made a Knight of the Legion of Honour in 1998 for his services to the French state. He is one of the most distinguished French experts on international law and has not only been an advisor to the French Government for many years but has also made a name for himself as the representative of several other states before the International Court of Justice in The Hague. He is one of the most active practitioners before the International Court of Justice as a Counsel. In addition, he acts in an advisory capacity to international organisations in issues concerning administration and international legislation. A member of the International Law Commission of the United Nations since 1990, he was their chairman in 1997. Simon Olleson's practice specializes in public international law, providing advice and advocacy in relation to traditional inter-State disputes, including before the International Court of Justice, investment protection disputes, international human rights law, issues of sovereign immunity, State succession and the law of the sea. Prior to coming to the Bar, Simon was a Research Associate and subsequently Fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law of the University of Cambridge, with which he still retains links. He acted as assistant to Professor James Crawford, Special Rapporteur on State Responsibility, in the summer of 2001 during the International Law Commission's final consideration and adoption of the Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts and accompanying commentaries.