Simon Aubrey Jones Editor

Aubrey Jones, my father, was first and foremost an economist and it was economics that informed his political associations. From Conservative Minister, through the Labour Government's National Board for Prices and Incomes to his twilight years as a Liberal Democrat he would argue that he never veered from his centrist economic, and non-partisan political beliefs.He felt strongly that the UK belonged in Europe and he took the initial steps to establish cooperation with France on that great supersonic flight project, Concorde. He had a deep fear that the political party, of which he was once a proud member and a Government Minister, would one day leave the European Union.It was in large part that prescient concern that drove him to the Liberals. The manner and management of the UK's departure from Europe would have horrified him. Although written some 40 years ago this seemed an appropriate time to put his memoirs into the public domain. Simon Aubrey Jones