Sikeena Karmali Ahmed Editor

Abdelmadjid Charfi was Professor of Arabic Civilisation and Islamic Thought at the University of Manouba until his retirement in 2002. David Bond studied Arabic at Wadham College (Oxford) and has lived in North Africa since 1993. He is editorial co-ordinator of the review Ibla of the Institut des belles-lettres arabes in Tunis and has a degree in Arabic literature from the University of Tunis. Abdou Filali-Ansary is Director of the Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilizations. He is author of several books including Is Islam Hostile to Secularism? and Reforming Islam? An Introduction to Contemporary Debates. Sikeena Karmali Ahmed is the Manager of Publications at The Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilizations. She is the author of a collection of poetry, Places to Remember, and an award-winning novel entitled A House by the Sea.